Soft Skills Critical to Good Customer Service

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We all know customer service isn’t automatically good. In fact, today in order to achieve customer service levels that retain customers, businesses must work hard to earn “good” status by employing multi-channel access and representation from high-quality agents. Long gone are the days when a department could have a few phone lines open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 5 days a week. Businesses are realizing that today’s consumers expect on-demand contact and accessibility 24/7, 365 days a year.

Even with the integration of technology in support centers, it is important to remember what is truly at the core of good customer service…the agents. Along with hard skills agents should have, such as proficiency of software and the technology used in the business, there are several soft skills they should have that are critical to providing good (and great) customer service. A soft skill is thought of as more personality driven; attributes that aid a person in interacting with others positively while building and maintaining a positive relationship with others. Soft skills can be developed over time, but not in the same way as a hard skill is developed.

  1. Critical and Creative Thinking: After learning what the issue is, an agent must be able to determine the next steps to resolution, especially when a customer’s issue is unique when compared to average requests. The ability to think quickly and confidently to resolve an issue is all-important when interacting with customers.
  2. Communication: A cornerstone of good customer service is good communication. Beyond the basics of proper grammar, tone of voice and confidence, good communication skills help agents exceed customer expectations. When an agent asks the right questions of a customer, then they feel listened to and know that the agent is genuinely interested in resolving the issue. For your business’ Hispanic customers this means agents that communicate with them in Spanish. Centris recognizes the importance of communicating with customers in their native language, which shows that you appreciate their business and are working to build a loyal relationship with them.
  3. Patience: This skill is mostly about being able to control the tone of the conversation. Agents should be able to listen to a customer’s initial statements, let them know that you are working to resolve the issue and you understand why they are contacting for assistance. At times a customer may be frustrated or upset during the initial contact, but with the even-tempered responses of a trained agent, the tone of the encounter can begin to relieve any concerns the customer may have at the outset.

With these soft skills, customer service agents can provide high-quality customer service and make the experience as effortless as possible. Centris provides advanced contact center solutions and strategic business intelligence. Through our talented and skilled team of agents in Mexico, we help our partners increase customer retention, sales, and increase market share.

With more than 30 years’ experience, we specialize in quality bilingual calls, technical support, and helping companies expand into the ever-expanding Hispanic market. With our nearshore business model, Centris provides up to a 70% savings over U.S.-based call centers, all while improving quality. In addition to our bilingual support, we’re known for our accent-neutral support in English and a deep understanding of American culture.

If you are contemplating outsourcing for your business needs, contact us; we’d love to show you just how efficient your organization can be when you outsource your business needs with our nearshore contact centers.

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