5 Call Center Trends That Are Happening in 2020

5 Call Center Trends that are Happening in 2020

When we think of the year 2020, it can feel a bit futuristic. Historically, science fiction has indicated that everything will be run by artificial intelligence, everyone will have flying cars, and lifespans will reach 200 years. Although we may not have flying cars…yet…, and we have not quite extended our longevity another 100 years, artificial intelligence (AI) is here. AI will continue to expand into not just the call center, but every communication channel will see an increase in AI usage. As scary as AI seems in regards to running the world and endangering humanity in the future, it certainly isn’t necessarily a negative when it comes to the call center. AI helps automate processes while giving call center representatives a chance to focus on the most important part of their jobs: customer interactions.

Here are 5 call center trends to look forward to in 2020:

1. Omnichannel Communications will Continue to Expand into Receptive Markets

Omnichannel communication is an essential tool for customer retention. In this approach customer interactions are received from any established communications channel and are centrally organized into data lakes.  These data lakes allow customers to have a consistent and informed communication with their service providers, whether that is retail, healthcare, or other multi-channel business.   Additionally, providers can utilize these data lakes for cross channel mining of valuable customer interactions that will give them a view into the mind of their consumers.  This type of view into the customer mind has been largely unachievable until recent technology advancements.

Research shows that businesses that have utilized the omnichannel approach have a customer retention rate of 89%, while traditional approaches only keep 33% of customers.

2. Advancements in Interactive Voice Response

There is a way to harmoniously incorporate AI and real human interactions together. When a customer first calls, the first point of contact will likely be Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology, giving customers a list of options to choose from. IVR has made many advancements over the years and is only getting better. IVR is now picking up tones and accents, and some software is using predictive analytics. These are major pluses, as it creates fewer barriers for customers to get to the appropriate departments faster.  Advanced IVR systems not only allow voice recognition, speech to text, and text to speech features, but they can also interface into omnichannel data lakes.  Interfacing with the data lake allows advanced IVRs to intelligently respond with appropriate menus or information based on archived customer interactions.

Advanced IVR is showing results too: Last year alone, 47% of consumers were satisfied with how fast and efficient IVR and chatbots are.

3. Increased Personalization through IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT), helps customer service agents gain a greater understanding of the customers they’re serving. From smart thermostats to smartwatches, we are living in a more interconnected and interactive world than ever before. With insights through multiple channels (and not just what the customer tells you), call center agents can access different data points, giving the customers a more personalized experience. This approach also resolves issues faster, as customers don’t have to keep returning for help.

4. The Cloud Age

Storing data from a company on the Cloud helps international call centers work more efficiently than ever before. This helps call centers connect to multiple databases, tools, and software in real-time. The Cloud is essential for outsourced call centers, as they can more proactively engage with clients with up to date information that saves many man-hours.

This works both ways as well: the call centers can send feedback to the clients they’re working with to ensure open communication on both ends.

5. Using Analytical Tools

Analytics are a call centers best friend. There are many types of data that are used to help create the best customer service possible. From predictive and speech analytics used in AI, to text analytics in social media and email interactions, these types of analytics pick up patterns that potential or current customers are using regularly. Analytics can streamline answers more efficiently with common questions or concerns, or help modify a website for better customer service. There is also workplace analytics, which helps customer service agents be more productive over a length of time.

With call centers, the future is brighter than ever in ensuring quality customer service.

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