Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, asked companies several questions to determine if they are “great” in what they are doing. Perhaps you may have heard about the book or even read it.
Author: Admin
Un mensaje de nuestro DIRECTOR EJECUTIVO: teniendo experiencia centro de llamadas para el nuevo decenio
What will be the main components of the Call Center of the future?What will be the main components of the Call Center of the future?
A message from our CEO: Taking Call Center experience to the new decade
What will be the main components of the Call Center of the future?What will be the main components of the Call Center of the future?
What is PCI Compliance?
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Essentially any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID) needs to be PCI Compliant.
Will Success of the internet and its traffic create customer services issues for your business?
A recent article on Bloomberg raised an interesting question: Will Netflix Kill the Internet? As businesses expand offering via the web and customers continue to flock to the internet to shop and seek information and solutions, what will this mean to Contact Centers and their businesses?
Mejor razón para la externalización
What is the best reason for outsourcing?
Contacto con medios de comunicación en 2012
Which will be the main contact media customers will use in 2015?
How would YOU rate your Contact Center on a 1-10 scale?
Operating a Contact Center is a challenging and complicated business as we all know. We all deal with numerous challenges (internal and external) daily. Sometimes we just have to take a short break to see where we stand and what we can do to make a difference.
Nearsourcing and NAFTA
Finding cheaper labor has been the holy grail of companies. This quest has taken them to lands so distant as South America and Asia, but the ever-changing economies are making US companies turn their heads back to nearsourcing with long-time partners. It’s no news that for years, American companies have been outsourcing jobs to Asia […]
Best Reason for Outsourcing
What is the best reason for outsourcing?