Live Chat Benefits

Live Chat Benefits

Live chat has many benefits for your business compared to phone support, email, instant messaging, and other communication platforms. It is a must-have for all companies. Here are the top live chat benefits for contact centers.

  1. Reduces expenses

Phone support is traditionally the most commonly used method for companies, but it can be costly with toll charges and employees taking the calls. On the other hand, live chat doesn’t cost much more than a quality email provider and employees. In addition, live chat agents can assist three or more conversations at one time which means the company can employ fewer agents and serve the same number of customers.

  1. Improved customer service and loyalty

According to the eDigital Customer Service Benchmark survey, live chat has the highest customer satisfaction levels of 73% compared to email support at 61% and phone support at 44%. Customers tend to feel more confident doing business with companies that make support hassle-free and easy. It allows customers to get answers to their questions and solve problems quickly.

  1. Faster resolutions to problems

Agents can send links or training documents that link directly to the content the customer needs instead of walking them through each step over the phone. There can even be screen-sharing capabilities that help troubleshoot the more complex issues that can’t quickly be resolved over the phone or through email.

  1. Customer convenience

Live chat provides instant access to your support staff and salespeople. People are more confident in companies when they have easy access to your agents to answer any questions or resolve any problems.

  1. Expand market reach

Most people like doing business with companies that are easily accessible. Having a website helps reach beyond the local area, but it doesn’t mean the visitors will feel comfortable placing an order. If your site has live chat functions, customers from all over can contact your company instantly to make inquires and arrange purchases which could even include international customers.

At Centris, we provide advanced contact center solutions through live chat. Through our talented and skilled team in Mexico, we help our partners increase customer retention and increase market share. Contact us to learn more about our live chat services and help you make plans for 2022.

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