What To Expect When You Outsource Your Contact Center

What To Expect When You Outsource Your Contact Center

Outsourcing gives you the ability to focus on your core business, while an outside company handles specific functions. It is essentially someone to take a few things off your plate to help your business grow. When looking for an outsourcer, make sure that you have a plan in mind. Examine what parts of your business you need help with or where you would see the most benefit from an outsourcer. For some, it is strictly call center functions, such as inbound or outbound calls. For others, it is tech support, live chat, quality assurance, soft collections, or claims processing.

One of the first choices you’ll make is where your outsourcer is. Offshore outsourcing is just that, away from your company, sometimes half a world away. How would that work when trying to reach your team leader during your business hours? To avoid the time difference, many companies choose a nearshore contact center. A nearshore outsourcer is one that is relatively close to your business in the U.S. but perhaps in a neighboring country, like Mexico. There, your contact center is in similar time zones as your customers and meeting times would align much better than a provider in Asia.

With the right strategic partner, you’ll be able to:

  • Avoid significant time zone differences – substantial differences lead to frustration
  • Offer dependable bilingual support – increasing satisfaction among this customer group
  • Offer multi-channel support – inbound and outbound calls, email, live chat, social media & more
  • Ensure data security – look for PCI/HIPAA Compliance
  • Quality Assurance, Compliance, and Business Intelligence – analyze every customer interaction across all channels to ensure compliance and automatically uncover actionable intelligence.
  • Benefit from cost savings – fees are up to 50%-70% less than U.S.-based outsourcers
  • Focus on your core business

Additional Considerations

When you first begin an outsourcing project, there will be a period of transition from your in-house team to the contact center partner. Once both sides are up to speed on needs and expectations, the new agents will begin taking over tasks with a much better understanding of your business and your customers. One of the reasons we use the term partner is that at Centris, we are working with you to provide the highest quality service to your customers.

You might think you’ll lose your identity or branding control, but with the right partner, your customers won’t even know that an outside agency is assisting them. Centris’ agents provide accent-neutral bilingual support (Spanish language), which again helps us provide seamless service to your customers and opens up opportunities to serve your Spanish speaking customers better, too.

Centris is a nearshore contact center. Providing support for businesses for over 30 years, Centris delivers quality customer service, tech support, live chat, soft collections, and more. We are ready to help you improve your contact center, provide outstanding bilingual service with data security at the forefront, and find the cost savings your business needs right now. Centris has comprehensive redundancy and contingency plans in place to ensure our clients don’t experience a lapse in service.  Please reach out to learn more about Centris and how we can help your business.

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