Want to engage your contact center employees with morale boosts by encouraging productivity? Show positive reinforcement in an employee recognition program.
Author: Admin
Still using interpreters in your contact center? There’s a better way to speak your customer’s language.
Want to engage your contact center employees with morale boosts by encouraging productivity? Show positive reinforcement in an employee recognition program.
How Zappos Inspired A New Way To Work
Want to engage your contact center employees with morale boosts by encouraging productivity? Show positive reinforcement in an employee recognition program.
Your Customers’ Expectations are Changing. Are You Keeping Up?
A stunning headline on a 2020 Forbes.com article read “96% of Your Customers Will Leave You Due To Bad Customer Service.” The article went on to reveal that only 4% of customers are “completely unwilling to leave” a company after a bad customer service experience. The harsh reality is that the majority of your customers […]
With Billions Lost to Poor Customer Service, Are You As Good As You Think?
According to Forbes.com, experts estimate that each year poor customer service costs businesses over $75 billion, and 96% of people say they would be willing to leave a company after receiving bad service. That’s staggering when you consider that those companies probably think they are doing a good job but are instead creating a switch […]
Data Security: PCI and HIPAA Compliance Explained
“Safe and secure”. That’s a phrase that someone who has your private information stored somewhere in a computer assumes you want to hear. But for millions of people, the words they hear more often on the news are “data breech”, “hacked” and “stolen”. Fear not, there are a few more terms that we know of […]
When Is It Time To Outsource Tech Support?
At some point, businesses of all sizes find themselves in need of technical support, whether to support day-to-day operations of the business or specifically to support customers’ needs. So, how do you know when it is time to outsource your company’s tech support needs? Let’s break down the different types of tech support, what it […]
The Secret to a Successful Business? Hint: It Starts with Your Customers
You know that without your customers, you would have a pretty hard time running a successful business. It has been said that a customer remembers the experience of a sale long after they have forgotten the price of the purchase. Let that sink in. Are your customers pleased with their experience with your company? If […]
5 Reasons To Outsource Your Contact Center to Centris
Sometimes a company doesn’t have the staff or resources to properly manage all necessary departments so they look for help. Other times a company is looking to improve results and they turn to a company with a proven track record of success to take over elements of their business. When a company hires an outside […]
5 Call Center Trends That Are Happening in 2020
When we think of the year 2020, it can feel a bit futuristic. Historically, science fiction has indicated that everything will be run by artificial intelligence, everyone will have flying cars, and lifespans will reach 200 years. Although we may not have flying cars…yet…, and we have not quite extended our longevity another 100 years, […]