The secret to lowering costs and increasing customer satisfaction

Did you know that the average fully loaded cost in the United States of a standard customer service agent position per logged on hour (an agent online ready to take a call) is $24 per hour or more depending on the geographic area? Many people don’t realize that the base hourly wage of the customer service agent is only about half of the cost associated with providing customer service. Other costs include human resources, payroll, various taxes, rent, IT support, supervision, utilities, parking, etc. If the needs for the position are specialized, such as language or technical in nature, the cost can be much higher.

With little growth in revenues for most companies in the United States, it’s imperative that we’re all as cost-effective and efficient as possible. This is the reason that Centris exist. In most cases Centris provides a higher quality customer service than US-based call centers. We are also able to provide this service at approximately half of the cost of a US-based call center.

Come visit our Monterrey, Mexico location to experience what other clients have – the intelligence, warmth and efficiency of the Centris agents. Come see for yourself.

By the way, the temperature is 75°F in Monterrey as this post is written.

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