Operating a Contact Center is a challenging and complicated business as we all know. We all deal with numerous challenges (internal and external) daily. Sometimes we just have to take a short break to see where we stand and what we can do to make a difference.
Author: Admin
Best Reason for Outsourcing
What is the best reason for outsourcing?
Where to Outsource?
Which region would be your first choice for outsourcing?
Contacto con medios de comunicación en 2012
Which will be the main contact media customers will use in 2015?
Mejor razón para la externalización
What is the best reason for outsourcing?
En caso de subcontratar?
Which region would be your first choice for outsourcing?
Y EL TLC Nearsourcing
Encontrar obra barata ha sido el santo grial de las empresas. Esta búsqueda les ha llevado a tierras tan lejanas como América del Sur y Asia, pero el siempre cambiante de las economías están haciendo las empresas de los EE.UU. su cabeza a nearsourcing con partners desde hace tiempo. No es noticia que durante años, […]
Social Media Engagement
Has your organization engaged in social media for customer interaction?
How to Market to People Not Like You?
Book Review Kelly McDonald reveals diversity marketing strategies and how to approach different demographics in her new book, HOW TO MARKET TO PEOPLE NOT LIKE YOU: “Know It or Blow It” Rules for Reaching Diverse Customers. McDonald introduces diversity marketing by targeting those who are different from a core audience, rather than those who share […]
5 La externalización predicciones para 2013
El medio ambiente mundial está cambiando constantemente y dichos cambios pueden afectar a las decisiones de su empresa para los próximos 12 meses. Echemos un vistazo a algunas de las tendencias que se esperan de la subcontratación industrial en 2013. 1. medios de comunicación social siguen aumentando las conexiones. El negocio de relacionarse y conectarse […]