Top 5 Easy Ways to Engage Employees This Week

Whether you’re in that position or already managing a team of employees, there are five qualities you should examine to make sure you’re ready to engage your work-staff to make a real and lasting impact on every aspect of your business, ensuring better communication, committed employees and organizational success. Often times, top five lists like […]

What I’ve Learned About Employee Engagement

Over the years, I’ve learned a few important aspects of employee engagement. Employees need to feel invested in and want to be apart of the company goal. As leaders, it’s our responsibility to talk about everything with our employees. Whether it’s defining requirements, getting input on a decision, sharing information, articulating career goals, or listening […]

Determine Your Vision and Lead with Passion

As a leader, you must have a clear view of the future and an established point of view. This includes having a plan that produces change – even when it is challenging. Once you know where you are headed, it is imperative that you share this view and plan with your team members. Communication is […]

Put Me in Coach!

It is not a secret that I am a sports fan… or fanatic, depending on your view! Truly, my office and home are filled with memorabilia that knows no bounds in terms of sports, teams or level. I am a fan of high school, college, and professional athletes; baseball, basketball, and football; and, even, particular […]

Why Centris Celebrates Diversity

Having diversity in the workplace is more important than many people believe. Diversity is defined in many different ways: race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, education, skill sets, experience and so much more. When you celebrate diversity your opportunities become endless. Not only do you learn how to work well with others you may not normally […]

Objetivos Centris para 2015

Para muchas empresas, los objetivos son la brújula por el que operan y se mueven a través del mundo de los negocios. Sin ellos, ¿cómo sabes hacia dónde te diriges? ¿Cómo se sabe cuando es el momento para celebrar y pop algunos champán – o tal vez, reagrupar y volver a intentarlo? En Centris, nuestros […]

Retención del Empleado: Los Primeros 90 Días

Es un hecho bien conocido que en la industria de centro de llamadas, la mayor parte de la deserción de los empleados se lleva a cabo dentro de los primeros 90 días. Las razones – como cualquier nuevo trabajo o carrera – son variadas e incluyen cuestiones como la curva de aprendizaje, expectativas, y la […]

Employee Retention: The First 90 Days

It’s a well-known fact that in the call center industry, most of the employee attrition takes place within the first 90 days. The reasons – like any new job or career – are varied and include issues like the learning curve, expectations, and company culture. The 90-day mark is considered by some to be a […]

Al girar el Cliente enojado en un cliente leal

El cliente enojado. No importa el producto o servicio, cada centro de contacto se ocupa de los clientes enojados sobre una base diaria. Si estás leyendo esto, es probable que aproximadamente el 99,99% de que usted ha sido un cliente enojado en un momento u otro. Mientras que los clientes iracundos son un hecho de […]

Turning the Angry Customer Into a Loyal Customer

The angry customer. No matter the product or service, every contact center deals with angry customers on a daily basis. If you’re reading this, chances are about 99.99% that you’ve been an angry customer at one time or another. While irate customers are a fact of life for call centers, it’s how we handle that […]